I feel it is important to explain why I offer a money back guarantee. The most frustrating part of the health care system is the patient's ability to spend thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars without getting positive results. My wife was diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia in 2004 after a facial surgery. Dani had been in a serious auto accident which resulted in facial damage, neck injuries, PTSD and more. The required surgery went horribly wrong. It took some time to figure out why she was in such a high level of pain even weeks after the surgery. The surgeon finally realized something was wrong and he was unable to resolve the issue. He referred us to a well know pain doctor who diagnosed her with TN. It did not take long before our health insurance carrier started raising our premiums. They raised them twice over 6 months and then simply canceled us. Now we were on cash pay terms with all doctors. Each one wanted money up front or they couldn't see us.
We traveled around the country to numerous hospitals, research centers and doctors that we were referred to because they were the best eventually spending over $100,000 with little results. My memory brings me back the most about going into see a specialist at Duke University's medical center. Each time I walked in I tried to avoid the gatekeeper. I never escaped her desire to rid me of $1500. Each visit for the injections in her forehead to relieve the pain was $1500. It didn't help for much longer than 6 hours and during it she had to endure the huge pain of injecting a needle into her already hurting forehead. He usually made about 20 injections. How could they justify charging these huge fees for these things without knowing if it would help. It made me realize that most people will not seek out care because they do not believe it will help. Where does one draw the line of "good money after bad". It is impossible to know, especially when you have something so debilitating as pain or depression or anxiety/fear. Most people start off saying I don't care how much it costs, just fix it. This changes quickly after several therapists, psychiatrists and other doctors do not achieve a significant level of success.
So, with this in mind I created a program where people can come in to my office and gain a level of comfort knowing that if we can not help it will not cost anything. Needless to say, I would not offer this if I did not believe I could be of great help very consistently. I would be wasting your time and mine. I do not like to do either. Life is too short.
My guarantee is pretty simple. If you prepay for the treatment plan that we agree upon and you do not have significant improvements, you will be returned your full payment. In the case of Bipolar disorder, my expectation is that your symptoms will be reduced by 75% or more and you would no longer be diagnosable with Bipolar I, II or Cyclothymia. We usually see suicidal ideation diminish and go away within the first 3-5 sessions. The treatment plan usually takes 20 sessions but some go longer depending upon their brain and other underlying issues. At that point, you would work with your prescribing doctor to begin titrating down on your medications if s/he deems that to be appropriate.
Curtis Schindeler, LMHC, Ph.D, abd, C.Ht
Offices in Sarasota and Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
561 619 6997 text or call
772 370-0753 text or call
772 370-0753 text or call